Pets Summer Allergies

Animal Medical Center of Pleasanton in Pleasanton, CA, is the number one animal clinic providing the remedy for those nasty summer dog and cat allergies with all the coughing, sneezing, and itching. Your furry friend may need help beyond regular pet care. Sometimes, pet health depends on getting rid of those awful summertime allergies. 

This article will give five tips to help you and your pet through the hot summer season. You will be amazed at how easy they are.

Five Tips for Consideration

Summer pet allergies are a seasonal nightmare for pets and pet parents alike. The poor pet suffers while the owners feel helpless, not knowing what to do. Our animal clinic has some pet care tips that help greatly with summertime allergens. Let’s dive in and look at these five tips:

  • Avoid walking or letting your pet outdoors when pollen counts are high. It usually occurs in the early morning and late afternoon hours. Check your local weather to monitor pollen levels in your area.
  • Wipe your pet down with a cool, damp cloth after being outdoors to remove any allergens hanging on. Don’t forget to wipe the face, feet, and between the toes. You will notice an improvement in pet health.
  • Wash your pet’s bedding, toys, and apparel during the summer to remove any allergens inadvertently tracked inside your home.
  • Vacuum at least once weekly to remove accumulated dust, dust mites, pollen, or other allergens. These critters like to hide in carpets where pets roll around.
  • Bathe your pet in hypoallergenic itch relief pet shampoo. It calms the skin, removes allergens, and soothes inflammation.

Treatments for Pet Allergies

If your pet’s allergies worsen, you may want to try over-the-counter allergy medications recommended by our veterinarian. In the worst-case scenario, pet allergies left untreated could potentially become life-threatening.

At the Animal Medical Center of Pleasanton, our experienced vet team can evaluate your pet for summer allergies, test, and run diagnostics. We can confirm a diagnosis and treat the symptoms so your pet can focus on being itself. Our approach to treating pets for summertime dog allergies and cat allergies includes the following:

  • Medicated baths to eliminate allergens and bacteria.
  • Topical solutions to fight bacteria and skin infection.
  • Eye rinses to eliminate allergens and prevent infection.
  • Ear cleaning solutions to keep harmful allergens and bacteria out of the ears.

Receive Relief for Summer Pet Allergies

Your pet can rest easy from the itching and sneezing of summer allergies with a quick visit to the Animal Medical Center of Pleasanton, CA. Our caring team will ensure that annoying allergens don’t ruin your pet’s summer.

Call our office at (925) 734-8387 or use our online appointment request form to schedule your pet’s appointment. It’s time to play with your pet and not worry about summertime allergies.