The food that goes into your pet’s body is just as important for the pet as the meals that you put on the table for the rest of your family. Making sure that your pet eats quality, nutritious food helps to prevent many diet-related health conditions, and the right kind of dog food will keep your furry companion energized and ready for walks. At Animal Medical Center of Pleasanton in Pleasanton, CA, we can help people find the right diet for their pets to give them a long and healthy life. 

How Does Good Nutrition Impact Pet Health?

Proper pet nutrition helps prevent short-term ailments along with chronic health conditions that can rob your pet of years of a happy life. Giving your pets low-quality dog food or table scraps could cause them to experience digestive distress. If your pet receives a poor diet for years, then you could eventually see it taking a toll on his health as he develops diabetes and other chronic diseases. Dogs that eat can have better moods and exhibit fewer negative behaviors.

What Are Signs of Poor Nutrition and Diet in Pets?

Some signs of poor nutrition are evident early on, such as increased gas, vomiting, or diarrhea. Others might take longer to show up. A pet that receives a poor diet may struggle with weight management. Obesity is common in pets that are fed table scraps on a regular basis. Similar to their human companions, animal bodies are not meant to handle high levels of junk food. Some pets may also experience weight loss, especially if they are vomiting or having diarrhea. Poor fur quality is another sign that your pet might need to visit an animal clinic to determine if malnutrition could be the cause.

How Can a Vet Help You Plan for Proper Pet Nutrition?

Vets are experienced with figuring out how a pet’s diet could impact dog health. If a veterinarian on our veterinary team identify deficiencies in your pet’s diet, then there are several ways a vet on our team can help. We can help to identify whether or not your pet might not be responding well to common foods that would otherwise be considered healthy. A veterinarian on our veterinary team can also check for vitamin deficiencies that could come from the current diet plan and how your pet’s body processes food. Switching to a special diet may be a simple way to correct deficiencies. Some pets might also need nutritional supplements and or a new feeding schedule to get their health back on track.

Bring Your Pet to Us for a Nutrition and Diet Consultation at Our Animal Clinic

Bringing your pet to our Animal Medical Center of Pleasanton in Pleasanton, CA, can be a great first step towards giving them the best possible diet. Give our clinic a call to schedule your pet’s visit today. Call us at (925) 734-8387 for more information from our animal clinic about dog health and pet nutrition.