Fleas and ticks are annoying, persistent parasites that can cause an array of health issues for a beloved pet, including life-threatening issues like anemia. The good news is that those in the pet care business have created a selection of effective products that will prevent fleas and ticks from bugging your pet. If you are in need of flea and tick prevention in Pleasanton, CA, our animal clinic, Animal Medical Center of Pleasanton, is here to help. 

Pet Health Strategies to Keep Fleas and Ticks Away 

Here are some ways to help keep your pets safe from fleas and ticks:
 Preventive medication: An effective method for keeping fleas and ticks away is the use of medications. Oral medication and topical creams have been specifically designed to target these insects and kill them while keeping your pet health safe.

● Pet-friendly professional pest control: Pets often get parasites from other pets or the outdoors. Pet-friendly pest control products can be safely sprayed throughout your yard to keep your pet safe.

● Regular grooming: This is not only a way to keep ticks and fleas off of your pet, but it is a way that can enable you to more quickly act should they start getting on your pet. Regularly grooming your pet can also  help you catch errant fleas and act with the right pet care techniques before those fleas start breeding, and you get a flea infestation on your hands. Regular grooming is also generally a good type of pet care we recommend as it helps to keep your pet’s coat clean and healthy. 

● Keeping their environment clean: A clean environment is one in which pests are unable to thrive in. Regular vacuuming and washing your pet’s bedding and toys will remove any pests and their eggs to keep adult fleas and ticks well away from your home. 

Get Pet Care, Topical Creams, Oral Medication, and a Pet Wellness Exam from a Vet at Our Animal Clinic

Whether you need a wellness exam or a prescription for topical creams and oral medication, our vet team is here for you. Contact us today and let’s schedule that wellness exam and get you the medications you need for a happy, pest-free pet. Call us at (925) 734-8387 for pet care from us at Animal Medical Center of Pleasanton in Pleasanton, CA. Our animal clinic is here to help.