Emergency and Urgent Care

We know you love your pet and want to keep them as healthy as possible. While injuries are obvious signs that your pet needs immediate treatment, other conditions can be more challenging to identify. Recognizing the signs that your pet may need urgent care can help when he or she needs it most. At Animal Medical Center of Pleasanton, our team takes care of pets throughout the Pleasanton area when they need it most. 

Signs That Your Pet May Need Urgent Care

Hopefully, you never need emergency veterinary care, but our team is here for those dire situations. If your pet is acting abnormally, it may be time to bring them in for emergency services. If you see signs that your pet might be in trouble, understand that they may act aggressively, so take precautions to keep you and your pet safe. Signs of your pet needing emergency care may include:

  • Vomiting or diarrhea
  • Seizures
  • Difficulty standing
  • Fainting or loss of consciousness
  • Eye injury
  • Paralysis
  • Abnormal breathing
  • Painful urination or difficulty defecating

Keep a Pet First Aid Kit On-Hand

Having a pet first aid kit and understanding some basic first aid can make a huge difference in your animal’s emergency.  Red Cross offers a short online animal first aid course, where you can learn the basics. This can help you know what to do in an emergency to keep your pet safe until our professional staff can see him or her. Regardless of the amount of training you have, it is essential to stay calm and level-headed for your pet’s sake in a crisis.

Understand What Is Normal

By understanding your pet’s normal behavior patterns, you will be more aware of subtle signs that something life-threatening may be going on. Paying attention to these signs can help you get them the medical care they need. Sometimes, pets experience situations like heatstroke that may not be obvious but can be dangerous. Catching the problem early on can prevent your pet from developing more issues later in life. 

Our Veterinarian Team Is Always Here for Your Pet in Pleasanton

If your pet experiences a medical emergency in the Brandon area, our team is ready to help. It is essential to seek veterinary care for whatever your pet may be experiencing as soon as possible. No matter what the situation is, our team of professionals is here to help your loved one in any way we can. At Animal Medical Center of Pleasanton, we provide the calming, compassionate care your pet needs. We hope that your pet never experiences trauma, but if they do, we are here for both of you. Contact us to see how our team can help you and your animal.