As advised by qualified veterinarians at Animal Medical Center of Pleasanton, the best way to give your new dogs and cats a healthy beginning is to spay and neuter them. Spaying and neutering refer to the removal of reproductive organs in female and male pets, respectively. It’s done to help your pets stay fit both medically and behaviorally.


Benefits of Spaying and Neutering Pets

Are you having second doubts about sterilizing your pets? Here are the benefits of spaying and neutering your pets. 

Medical Benefits

Spaying female pets reduce your pet’s chances of developing reproductive cancers, including ovarian and uterine cancer. On the other hand, neutering male pets deters the occurrence of testicular cancer and prostate disease. Sterilized pets are also unlikely to wander looking for mate partners, reducing the chances of contracting infectious diseases. 

Behavior Benefits

A neutered pet will be less likely to roam away than an intact one is. The reason for this is that altered pets have no drive to find a mate. 

Additionally, it has been observed that neutered pets tend to be docile, while unneutered ones are aggressive towards people and other pets. Neutering lowers certain hormones that cause aggression. 

Control Population Growth

Are you looking for a permanent birth control method? Consider spaying and neutering your pets. Unsterilized pets are likely to give you unwanted litter, adding costs of food and health care. However, you can avoid taking this route by sterilizing your pets before they reach reproductive age.

Are Spay and Neuter Surgeries Safe?

The straightforward answer is yes. Before surgery, your vet undertakes a health checkup to ensure that your pet is suitable for the procedure. While neutering and spaying generate minimal risks for young pets, this doesn’t mean older pets can’t benefit from the procedure. All you need to make sure is that a qualified veterinary does the procedure. 

However, just like any other surgery, spay and neuter surgeries aren’t risk-free. Anesthesia and post-surgery complications may occur, but these are extremely rare. Some pets may experience slight discomfort after the procedure, but these symptoms should disappear naturally after the anesthesia wears off. 

At What Age Should Spaying and Neutering be Done?

According to most pet doctors, the best time to neuter or spay your pets is when they are young. This can be anywhere between 4 and 9 months of age. However, sometimes it depends on the condition, type, and breed of your pet, and so it would be wise if you consult with your veterinarian before deciding to go ahead with the procedure. 

Seek Pet Care Services Today!

Now that you know the importance of neutering and spaying your pets, it’s pivotal for you to do so while you have time. If you live in or around Pleasanton, schedule an appointment with our veterinarian at Animal Medical Center of Pleasanton to determine if it’s time to spay and neuter your dog or cat.