Having a pet is a great and fun experience for many owners. While enjoyable, it does come with responsibilities, such as making sure it sees a veterinarian for routine vaccination shots. Vaccines are important for many reasons, and every pet owner should not overlook them. At South Granville Animal Hospital, we have shared the benefits of vaccination with Creedmoor residents for many years.  

Vaccines Protect Your Pet

One of the main reasons why vaccines are essential is that they can protect your pet from a wide range of well-known animal diseases. Similar to humans, all animals are at risk of contracting diseases that can make them severely ill. What vaccines do is that they help stimulate your pet’s antibodies so that they can identify and fight off diseases that your animal may encounter in the future. Vaccines can greatly reduce the risk of your pet getting rabies, parvovirus, hepatitis, and other concerning diseases.

Helps Prevent Spread of Disease

Vaccines can also help reduce the risk of spreading diseases to others. Certain illnesses can easily be transferred from animal to human or animal to animal. Rabies, for example, is often a fatal disease that can be transmitted from animal to human through a bite or scratch. It is a disease that can be avoidable if a pet was vaccinated. 

Contact Us to Schedule an Appointment

Your pet must receive the right vaccines. At South Granville Animal Hospital,  our veterinarian will make sure that your pet gets the appropriate vaccines to stay healthy. Call us today at (919) 528-3591 for more information or to schedule an appointment with our veterinarian.

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